To primitive man, storytelling was magic. There was
little separation between what was spoken and what
happened, it seemed logical that if we could
describe a great adventure that or thing that happened in our lives we should bring it home, in all its vividness and glory .
There are many different types and translations of stories through storytelling but one of the many common forms of it is that of Native American storytelling. Native American storytelling is an important part of many people's lives. Many Native Americans tell stories to keep their customs alive. People, weavings, paintings, dance, carvings, and oral, all tell stories. Native Amaerica storytelling I think is important also to us as americans because it is our history before any sort of forign settlement began.
A way they would tell stories is by symbols such as Carved and painted tree logs, called totem poles which show Native American history and beliefs.
Paintings also tell stories. Some Native American homes are called tepees. Painted tepees tell a story about the people who live there. Another major way is through music , dance and voice.
Native Americans, like all people, liked to tell tales about the things that had happened in their life. Native Americans did not write words down in books, but they did have a form of writing. They drew pictures on hides, rocks and on bone. Some of their pictures were left as warnings to others.
Native American storytelling is still a popular form of story telling today and still uses traditional customs but it is more of a form of entertainment rather than something done to spread the word. Stories are useful to preserve historic facts, teach younger ones life lessons, express the hopes and fears of the heart, entertain, amaze and amuse.
Greek Story telling was during the Grecian Dark Ages, some people even became professional storytellers going from town to town, earning a living simply telling stories. They told the same stories over and over, in Greek. It was not long until nearly everyone in ancient Greece knew all of the stories by heart. They also knew the Greek language by heart, as it was the language of the storytellers. There are many other ways to express Greek story outside of the oral tradition and that is Greek symbols
Symbol of health
Laurel Wreath
There are different types of the greek storytelling such as
A FABLE is a story that ends with a lesson to be learned. Probably the most famous of all fables came out of ancient Greece during the Greek dark ages – the stories of Aesop. Aka Aesop's fables, some of the most popular stories known today.
A LEGENED is a popular story that has been told over and over again about something that happened in the near or far past. To be a legend, there can be no proof that the story is true. That does not mean that it is not true. It only means that to be a legend, there cannot be proof that the story is true. One of the most popular legends was the story of the Trojan horse
A MYTH is a story about one or more magical deities. The Greeks believed in many gods and goddesses ,magical monsters and mythical animals. Greek myths are still enjoyable today!
Some popular fables are, “The Ant and the Grasshopper which is about a selfish grasshopper who refuses to help the ants collect the harvest before winter. “Another is the Tortoise and the Hare”.
Greek mythology tells stories about gods and goddesses, other immortals, monsters,
extraordinary heroes, and some ordinary
People. There are many popular Greek gods
and creatures such as Zeus, Poseidon, Hercules
and Cerberus.
Which also ties into the different myths of what really happened with the sotries of the Greek gods and mythical creatures.
Modern intepretations of Greek stories and tales of the gods and creatures and what was said to have happened back when, have been made into plays and movies and books.
Clash of the Titans is one movie made on the Greek happenings
There are popular plays like Oedipus the King written by Sophocles (496-406 BCE)
which is basically explaining how your fate was destined no matter what back then with the gods.
Greek Storytelling is most popular today in modern times as either a play or a movie. It is not something always orally told but visualy seen and told through watching and listening.
Storytelling is an amazing thing and not just a thing of entertainment but also educational. I think without it we would not know our history like it is today.
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